Monday, 29 April 2013

On the Lambrini are we? Rihanna gets classy by tweeting pics of herself necking wine from the bottle

And so it began like this

Getting swiggy with it
Getting swiggy with it
Rihanna's been larking about again in her dressing room on her Diamonds World Tour, this time downing wine straight from the bottle like every teenager who ever got drunk in the park ever.
These pictures, posted on the singer's twitter, remind us of the snaps we took when we were 13 and someone had somehow managed to buy a bottle of Malibu with a fake ID and we all took turns posing with it and taking a million pictures because it was THAT COOL.
Our hair didn't look as good as Rihanna's, although from memory we might well have been wearing a bomber jacket.
Ooh what a rebel
It's appropriate that Ri-Ri (or Lambri-ri as we'll henceforth be calling her) has songs which include 'I'll Drink To That' and 'Pour It Up' seeing as she loves a little drink every now and then slash all of the time.
Maybe she'd had a bad gig and couldn't wait for the wine to be poured into a glass for her? Hey, we've all been there after a crap day at work.
The Bajan star's still in Atlantic city, where the other night she instagrammed a topless picture of herself to celebrate being back at work.
Rihanna's also been having some saucy Twitter chat with Katy Perry about spanking eachother, which you should probably read about here .
Bit bleary-eyed now are we?
The singer also captioned the photos with the words:
"Po it the phuck up!!!! #backstageproblems"
Alright, Rihanna, there's no need to shout.
Can we pour you a nice chilled glass of...oh've already drunk the entire bottle.

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